All of NEOX clothing are made of textiles that are friendly to the environment, our brand is committed to be less dependent on virgin raw materials, save water and energy, reduce CO2 emissions and toxics released into the environment.

    Fossil fuel industries partly rely on the manufacturing of plastics to sustain their growth.

    99% of plastics come from hydrocarbons derived from oil, gas and coal. These industries are one of the largest polluters in the world and to aggravate this situation, the apparel and textile industry is not too far behind in terms of contamination such as release of toxic chemicals, energy waste, CO2 emissions and water pollution.      

    Fulfilling the promise of recycling is making a product that can be used to replace virgin materials. When this is done you save on energy and all of the contaminants, toxics and greenhouse gas emissions, to get new raw material out of the ground.

    Choose environmentally responsible clothing made from eco-materials such as organic cotton or recycled fabrics and help minimise your impact to the environment.


    NEOX commitment with the environment attempts to minimise waste by extending the ‘useful’ life cycle of plastic bottles; as opposed to them ending up in coast lines all over the world or going to landfill or for incineration.

    Oceans, rivers and waterways in different parts of the world are swimming in plastics, coast lines are collecting this waste and landfills are clogged with it. Plastics are everywhere and unfortunately they take hundreds of years to break down.

    Plastic Pollution is one of the main environmental global threats and regrettably a significant amount of it ends up in the oceans via urban runoffs and all the dirty waste water coming from our city streets through stormwater drains and eventually all that water ending up in the oceans.

    Currently there are 3 garbage patches, one in the South Pacific Ocean (approx. 4 ½ times the size of Victoria) and two in the North Pacific Ocean (approx. 6 times the size of Victoria).

    This is a hard truth to accept and thus our call to action is trying to revert this ecological crisis.


    NEOX clothing is made of sustainable and recycled fabrics from yarns manufactured of organic cotton, recycled cotton and recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles.

    The manufacturing of the recycled yarns uses recycled post-consumer plastic bottles and pre-consumer textile waste (cotton scraps) sourced from the garment industry.

    These yarns are crafted into something useful like fabrics used for the manufacturing of clothing.
    Thankfully NEOX has been able to secure quality recycled fabrics which have been sourced from a world-leading high-quality recycled yarn manufacturer.


    Our label is focused on sustainability and this is why all of our products also use recycled tags made of sugar cane pulp as well as plant base compostable packaging that breaks down within 6 months without any harmful microplastics or residues.  
    The principle of using recycled materials as long as possible translates to less new/raw materials being sourced, less energy and water consumption and less pollution and waste. This circular process is the fundamental pillar of our label as it engages with current global challenges like climate change and sustainability.

    All NEOX clothing are manufactured from fabrics that use sustainable organic cotton, pre-consumer textile cotton leftovers and 100% recycled plastic bottles as raw material, preventing them from going to landfill, waterways or from being incinerated and giving these materials a second life.

  • Global Recycled Standard

    The yarns used to manufacture our recycled fabrics are certified to the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) or Recycled Claim Standard.

    GRS is an international standard designed to meet the needs of companies seeking to verify the recycled content of their products (both finished and intermediate), and to verify responsible social, environmental and chemical practices in their production

  • Organic Content Standard (OCS)

    The yarns used to manufacture our organic cotton fabrics are certified to the Organic Content Standard (OCS).

    The OCS applies to any non-food product containing 5-100 percent organic material. It verifies the presence and amount of organic material in a final product.